Function: noun
1: killer, murderer
2: a cruel unprincipled person
Based on these definitions, one might understand why I'd want to hunt and catch such a beast (although, most would say "leave this to the authorities.) But you might also be perplexed as to why - after a long fight that left the above mentioned near death - why, oh why would I carefully revive him and let him go on his way to continue his merciless destruction of those smaller and weaker than he?
Well, I did it because it's illegal NOT to let them go. That's right - taking this beast to the local authorities would have earned me a huge fine, and perhaps some jail time! That's because the Cutthroat I was pursuing was this one...
3: a large spotted trout (Oncohynchus Clarki, or Salmo Clarki) chiefly of northwestern North American that has reddish streaks on the integument of the lower jaw.
Based on these definitions, one might understand why I'd want to hunt and catch such a beast (although, most would say "leave this to the authorities.) But you might also be perplexed as to why - after a long fight that left the above mentioned near death - why, oh why would I carefully revive him and let him go on his way to continue his merciless destruction of those smaller and weaker than he?
Well, I did it because it's illegal NOT to let them go. That's right - taking this beast to the local authorities would have earned me a huge fine, and perhaps some jail time! That's because the Cutthroat I was pursuing was this one...
3: a large spotted trout (Oncohynchus Clarki, or Salmo Clarki) chiefly of northwestern North American that has reddish streaks on the integument of the lower jaw.
It was a good day.
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